Is Plant-Based Hemp Plastic a Sustainable Solution for Single-Use Cannabis Containers?

With single-use plastic polluting our environment and disproportionately affecting marg...

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic a Sustainable Solution for Single-Use Cannabis Containers

With single-use plastic polluting our environment and disproportionately affecting marginalized communities, it’s more important than ever to find novel solutions for packaging consumables, including cannabis. 

At Sana Packaging, we aim to help the environment by providing cannabis companies with sustainable packaging solutions. We believe plant-based hemp plastic offers an exciting, eco-friendly option for environmentally friendly cannabis packaging. 

What is Hemp Plastic?

Hemp plastic is a type of bioplastic. It is similar to conventional petroleum-based plastic but is made partially or entirely from hemp and other plant-based materials instead of petroleum. 

Plant-based hemp plastic cannabis packaging

5 Reasons Plant-Based Hemp Plastic is One of the Most Sustainable Cannabis Packaging Materials 

There are many ways cannabis companies can make their single-use packaging more eco-friendly. One of the best options is plant-based hemp plastic. Many widely marketed “compostable” or “biodegradable” hemp plastics are actually made from a combination of hemp and petroleum. Plastics like these can be considered a form of greenwashing because they cannot be recycled and still break down into microplastics. 

At Sana Packaging, all our hemp plastic is 100% plant-based and made entirely from hemp hurd, polylactic acid (PLA), and plant-based binders. To emphasize that our product comes entirely from plants, we refer to it as “plant-based hemp plastic.” We also avoid using misleading terms like "compostable" and "biodegradable." 

1. Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Doesn’t Require the Use of Petroleum Products

At the most basic level, truly plant-based hemp plastic uses no petroleum products. Petroleum is a fossil fuel, and every use of the substance can potentially harm the world we live in.

Hemp cannabis seedling growing

Plastic-making is responsible for massive emissions and releases harmful byproducts into the environment. As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, marginalized communities and populations are the most affected by this pollution. We have a responsibility to the environment and our fellow humans to cut down on our use of petroleum and petroleum products wherever possible. 

2. Hemp Based Plastic is More Durable than Traditional Plastic

One of the reasons conventional plastic is so widespread is because it’s relatively durable. However, hemp plastic is just as strong or stronger than many traditional plastics used for single-use packaging. 

It’s vital that cannabis packaging is durable enough to protect the product and allow for easy transportation. Hemp plastic fits this bill. Emphasizing durability in single-use packaging also increases the chance that consumers will reuse these products instead of immediately throwing them away.

At Sana Packaging, we design our plant-based hemp plastic products with reusability in mind. Our pre-roll tubes are all resealable, and our hemp plastic box features a lid that doubles as a miniature rolling tray. Reuse also helps us get closer to our goal of a truly circular economy. 

3. Hemp Plastic is Light and Easy to Ship

Unlike many other packaging materials, hemp plastic doesn’t require sacrificing weight for durability. Hemp plastic has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, making it easier to ship than some other packaging materials.

For example, glass is another excellent choice for sustainable packaging materials since it is easier to recycle than plastic and does not break down into toxic chemicals and harmful microplastics as it degrades. However, glass is heavy, and even the sturdiest glass requires extra care in transportation to avoid breakage. 

Freight truck driving forest mountain highway

Plant-based hemp plastic, like that offered by Sana Packaging, provides cannabis companies with the proverbial best of both worlds. Eco-friendly materials help your company avoid contributing to plastic pollution, and choosing lighter materials, such as hemp plastic, for your cannabis containers will allow you to cut down on the price of shipping and reduce emissions.  

4. Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Minimizes Petroleum-Based Plastic Pollution

One of the most significant benefits of plant-based hemp plastic is that it does not contribute to the petroleum-based plastic pollution crisis that our planet is facing.

Experts estimate that humans have produced more than nine billion tons of petroleum-based plastic since the inception of the material in the middle of the 20th century. Almost 80% of that plastic is in landfills or polluting our environment. This amount of petroleum plastic pollution profoundly impacts nature, wildlife, and human health; it endangers animals who encounter it, and as it degrades, it breaks down into dangerous microplastics and leaches toxic chemicals into the environment

We must work to address the glut of plastic pollution in our world. Plant-based hemp plastic offers a potential solution. Cannabis companies that choose to use plant-based hemp plastic rather than virgin conventional plastic do not contribute to the massive amount of petroleum-based plastic pollution we are facing. 

5. Growing Hemp Can Benefit the Environment

Finally, growing hemp — which is necessary to produce plant-based hemp plastic — can positively impact the environment. 

Hemp is excellent at sequestering carbon, which means it is pulling excess carbon out of the air. A two-and-a-half-acre hemp field can absorb up to about 16 tons of carbon

Hemp cannabis growing farm soil

Hemp also grows extremely quickly. A hemp plant can reach maturity in just a few months, making it a highly renewable resource. 

Additionally, hemp can help improve the soil quality where it is planted. Declining soil quality is a massive problem in modern agriculture because of the practices used by commercial growers. Hemp can help to undo some of this damage by providing natural weed suppression and pest- and disease resistance. 

While conventional plastic actively harms the environment in countless ways, growing hemp to create plant-based hemp plastic can benefit our world. 

Types of Eco Friendly Hemp Plastic Cannabis Containers

Hemp plastic is a novel material, so many manufacturers and cannabis companies are unsure of how to use it. However, environmentally conscious cannabis companies can use plant-based hemp plastic to make many of the same types of containers as conventional plastic. 

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Preroll Containers

Sana Packaging makes plant-based hemp tubes in two sizes. The larger 110-millimeter hemp tube is perfect for a conventional joint, blunt, or small all-in-one vape. This hemp plastic joint tube is child-resistant, resealable, and reusable. 

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Pre-Roll Packaging

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Vape Containers

Our smaller 78-millimeter hemp tube fits a miniature joint or average-sized vape cartridge. Like all of our products, it is child-resistant and resealable. 

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Vape Cart Packaging

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Flower Container

The Sana hemp container is one of our most versatile products. It holds up to an eighth of flower and is also ideal for concentrates, cartridges, and edibles. It features a nesting design, conserving space and making it easier to ship, and is certified child-resistant. 

Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Cannabis Flower Packaging

Where Can Sustainable Cannabis Companies Source Plant-Based Hemp Plastic Containers?

Sana Packaging is the best source of sustainable cannabis packages, including plant-based hemp plastic packaging materials. We offer a wide variety of options to accommodate any product and offer full customization of each of our products. 

Contact our team discover hemp plastic with Sana Packaging

Contact Sana Packaging today to request a sample or get started.